*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************      TEAM 17 SOFTWARE      AND     AM/FM        M U S I C C O M P E T I T I O N !     WIN THE THREE LATEST GAMES FROM TEAM-17 SOFTWARE AND GET A CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR MUSIC USED IN THE NEXT TEAM-17 GAME IN THIS COMPETITION OF THE CENTURY, HELD BY AM/FM AND TEAM-17 SOFTWARE !!!  1ST PRICE: TEAM-17'S THREE LATEST GAMES! - Assassin - Project-X - Alien Breed, Special Edition  AND THE CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR MUSIC USED IN A FUTURE TEAM-17 GAME.  2ND PRICE: - Alien Breed, Special Edition  AND THE CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR MUSIC USED IN A FUTURE TEAM-17 GAME.     THERE WILL BE T W O FIRST PRIZES AND T W O 2ND PRIZES !!!    Read on: 1) Compose one or two great tunes which you think would be suitable for a future arcade-style game from Team-17 Software! There are two categories of tunes: Small tunes (up to 35 kb) and Big tunes (35-200 kb). You may enter with ONE tune for EACH of these two categories! 2) Send them to AM/FM. Your music will be listened closely to by the AM/FM Editor and the Project Manager at Team-17 Software. We will announce the winners in the first AM/FM Magazine Disk after the deadline, which is 15 APRIL 1993. 3) The winners of the 1st and 2nd prizes for each of the two categories will get the prizes as listed above in the mail. Also, Team-17 Software will AIM to POSSIBLY use your music in a future game! (If that happens, you will naturally be paid for the music!) 4) All the music that is submitted to the competition may be used in future AM/FM issues. You will not be paid any money for this. 5) The music must be at AM/FM within ---> APRIL 15, 1993 ! If you want your disk back, you _must_ include Norwegian stamps worth 10 NOK _or_ TWO international reply coupons! 6) You can use any music editor you wish. The music must be submitted to us in module format, with _one file_ including all song data and samples. This file should be within the size: Small Tunes category: Not more than 35 kb. Big Tunes category: Not more than 200 kb. Send the music to: AM/FM, Team17 Compo c/o Bjorn A. Lynne Schleppegrellsgt. 10 0556 Oslo NORWAY  NOTE !!! THE DEADLINE FOR THIS COMPETITION HAS BEEN MOVED FROM 15TH APRIL 1993 TO: -------> 15TH JULY 1993 !!! *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************